Pallets wood also provides amazing ideas for those pet-lovers! They can just recycle the pallets for some pet residences, for some custom pet feeders and also for custom pet play stations, so every single matter to protect and please your pets, can be facilitated by some free pallet wood solutions! This post will allow the pallet lovers to peek into some handmade dog residences which we have showcased here as DIY pallet dog houses and provides amazing different techniques about building some kennels out of pallets!
All structures have been installed using the straight pallet slats which can be found in abundance if you deconstruct a few of pallet boards! Just give the custom fittings, readjustments and new attachments for building custom pet houses for free! You can also get the solutions to safely house those rabbits, birds pets and even the chickens as pallets are damn easy to rebuild into custom aviaries and chicken coops! Just spend some time with pallets and make it super easy to handle the pet care issues!
Pallet Doghouse with Pink Painted Chevron Roof:

DIY Rustic Dog Kennel:

Made by: Muebles De Palets