Choosing a perfect saw to get a perfect result out of it is indeed a difficult task. Find this guide about reciprocating saw vs circular saw to choose the best one. All the choosing and exploring is tiring when you want to get the best result by cutting the wood. The situation gets more difficult when you are given two options because you start to compare and contrast the two options given to you. Choosing a saw in the market is quite tough, and it gets tougher for the inexperienced one and wants a saw for a wood related DIY project. There is a significant variety of saws available in the market. Among all types of saws, the recent confusion revolves around Reciprocating saw, and Circular saw. Let us spill the tea for you below!
What is a Reciprocating saw?
The Reciprocating saw is quite different than other types of saws such as circular saws, miter saws, or table saws. The reciprocating saw, which is also called a recip saw, functions through a push-and-pull technique, which actually gives it the name as that technique is basically ‘reciprocation.’ Unlike other saws, the reciprocating saw has a knife-shaped notched blade on one side with notched teeth on one end. Its blades come in many shapes to cut different objects like wood, plastic, metal, and more. Moreover, a cordless reciprocating saw for pruning makes the work a hundred times easier and quicker. It comes with a lighter weight, which brings precision to your work. Besides, its blades are easily changeable, which makes them easier to function.
What is a Circular saw?
As obvious from its name, the Circular saw has a circular shape having a circular blade with a diameter of 10 inches maximum. It is a handheld power saw. It has a round disc-shaped blade designed in a way to cut through any material. The fast rotating movement of the blade helps in cutting the wood smoothly. A circular saw comes with both types of power; gas-powered and electricity-powered. This saw helps in plunging into the wood, ripping, and crosscutting.
Reciprocating Saw vs Circular Saw
1) Different Blade Types
The very basic difference between reciprocating and circular saw is their different blades. These two saws have blades of different shapes that result in a difference in functioning. For instance, a reciprocating saw has a knife-shaped blade, as mentioned earlier, whereas; a circular saw has a round blade giving it the shape of a disc. This difference is pronounced hence easily noticeable.
2) Different Capacity of Cutting
Reciprocating saw, and circular saw has different cutting styles too. Because of their different blades, cutting volume and capacity differ. For example, reciprocating saw when used in cutting a wood plank will take a shorter time, but it will leave rough edges. On the other hand, a circular saw might take longer than a reciprocating saw, but in the end, it will leave cleaner edges.
3) Different Levels of Precision
Owing to the difference in forms, power means, and shape of blades, these both types of saws vary in their performance precision and working flexibility. A reciprocating saw deals with rough cutting and demolishing works where fineness is not required. On the contrary, a circular saw is best suited for fine carpentry work.
4) Difference in forms
When it comes to observing the forms of both types of saws, the difference is very obvious. One can witness the difference even by holding both of them in hands. A reciprocating saw is a longer tool that is held like an airgun or rifle in hands. While a circular saw, like its name, is circular in shape. It covers around the round-shaped blade of the machine.
Furthermore, both of these saws’ usage requires both hands, but the posture of holding the saw is different for both. Both the saws are to be held to maintain their balance and make it easy for the person to move his hands smoothly.
5) Professional difference
In addition to physical differences, reciprocating saw and circular saw differ professionally as well. For example, given its easiness and lack of precision, a reciprocating saw is best suited for DIY projects. As it does not require professionalism and expertise, one can pick it for home-use. Whereas, circular saw fits perfectly for carpentry. It has the factor of precision and cleanliness, which is a prerequisite for carpentry.
6) Cost difference
According to functioning quality and size, reciprocating saw and circular saw vary in their retail price as well. Comparatively, a reciprocating saw is quite cheaper than a circular saw. A Circular saw, on average, costs double of a reciprocating saw. The reason can be that a circular saw provides neat smooth cutting as compared to the reciprocating saw.
As it is clear by now that both of these saws perform different types of functions. Both saws are designed to do different work and make different cuts. A reciprocating saw can be used for demolition and deconstruction, while a circular saw is good enough for carpentry and clean cutting. Both the saws are easy to handle. A circular saw is easy to handle, and it does not bounce back frequently like a reciprocating saw. So in this area, it has the edge over the latter. As a result, it can even serve all DIY enthusiasts more efficiently.
The availability of various saws in the market has already created a great deal of confusion for a buyer. To add to further confusion, reciprocating saw and circular saw are doing their jobs. These saws are basically much different from each other and perform their functions differently. A reciprocating saw is the one that can be used for rough dimensional work as it does the job of leaving rough edge; hence it is best suited for demolition and deconstruction purposes. A circular saw is needed for clean projects and best-suited for carpentry as its results are clean and full of precision. Therefore, the reciprocating saw and circular saw comparison can only be done of their features without judging which one is better than the other. To conclude, each of them is perfect for its area of expertise.