The pallets are lying in your surroundings waiting for you to pick them up and make the most out of it. if you are wondering or thinking about what can be made from the pallets then just shatter this thought as there are uncountable things that you can make from this recycling wood. From basic furniture needs to some extra fun stuff all are possible to nicely achieve from the pallets and that too with your own hands and your own home.
Add in your living, lounge or the outdoor spaces a more entertainment factor by installing this DIY wood Pallet bar to enjoy the tasty and cold beverages after meals. With this pallet bar you can plan small get to gathers, parties and hang outs at your home to enjoy a fun and quality time with friends and family after the long and tiring weeks. The top counter of the bar has been stained in the black and the base section in the mahogany which would blend well with all types of decor.

Made by: Walter’s woodwork shop